EOSS Industries

EOSS Industries is an independent holding company based in Graz, Austria. The group consists of twenty international companies in the field of ICT (information and communication technologies), manufacturing and healthcare.

EOSS provides financing, know-how management, strategic exchanges and opportunities to expand the perspective of its subsidiaries.

Rame alongside with its EOSS companies works intensively and offers hands-on support, where and whenever necessary. The team focuses on disrupting old habits, enabling new ways of thinking, introducing new processes, merging good ideas / companies and restructuring old systems.

PST related software / system integration:

ACL – A Leading Software and Outsourcing Provider of Large Retail Stores and Brands in Austria, Germany and Switzerland with Profound Process Expertise and Professional Software Solutions for Online and Stationary Trading
Ranorex – A Leading Manufacturer of a Globally Successful Automated GUI Testing Software
7iD Technologies – A Center of Excellence in Professional Mobile Applications and Electronic Identities
PrimeSign – A manufacturer of modern SaaS solutions for electronic signature based on European Legal Standards
